My Process on Creating an Interesting Sticker Design

I was taught by a great professor, Cory Kerr, that if you’re going to create something let it make a difference or at least portray an idea of yours. He taught that when creating stickers try thinking of something that bothers you. Now I’m sure there’s a lot of things that bother me, that I want to change, but this was my mood that week when I created these.

I was piled up in homework and felt like I had a longing to go outside, to be outdoors or do something besides be stuck inside my apartment any longer. I thought others shared this eagerness but I was wrong because mostly everyone around me just wanted to watch the outdoors through a screen, or live vicariously through others on social media. Which is what inspired many of my first super quick sketches. Let it be known, I’m a horrible sketch artist, especially when it comes to very quick thumbnails. Here’s the beginning of my process:

Step 1:
Start Quick Sketching.



Step 2: I then tried to make a really rough draft of my ideas in Adobe Illustrator.



Step 3:
I realized I didn’t want to go with my original plan. I got some good feedback from peers on the Netflix Binge one so I decided to keep that. And scrap the others. I began thinking of other things that I wanted to communicate. I thought of how caught up the world around me seemed to be in making sure they sounded rich, wealthy, or better than someone else. This immediately led me to creating a mouth and wanting to portray my thoughts on a tongue to symbolize them speaking. I began thinking of the things that related universally to wealth and things that communicated trash or garbage (because that’s also how I felt some peoples words were) and went back to sketching with this idea.


Step 4:
I brought the ideas and feedback into Adobe Illustrator.


Step 4:
I cleaned up some the edges, added some more depth with some highlights and playing around with a stroke to create my final project.
