I decided to go back and redesign my shark attack infographic. Check out the new one!
In late 2016 I tried out Adobe Illustrator for the first time in a Visual Media class at school. We were assigned to create an infographic. We had been told we were able to use free vectors, for our designs if we wanted but it’d be more beneficial if we made our own. Many of the students went for the easier route, but I decided to try out making my own. It took forever! Looking at the graphic now I know it’s not that great but I felt so accomplished when I was done. Yesterday I decided to go back and remake the graphics, change the colors, and add more visual appeal.
This is the original Infographic from November 2016 with original sketches and process:
Create a visually pleasing info-graphic on a trending topic.
1. I started thinking of topics I could do and I thought of the beach, then sharks immediately came to mind because I realized the majority of my friends have a fear of sharks.
2. I started researching more information about sharks online and gathering data
3. I then started brainstorming graphics and my layout by sketching some ideas out with pen and paper.
4. I started creating all my graphics first, starting out with the easiest ones such as the stick figure then moving onto the sharks and so on.
5. I created my background, brought my graphics in, and started adding all my text according to the layout I had sketched out.
6. I created the pie chart by using the tool in Adobe Illustrator
Color Scheme: Split Complementary: Orange, Teal, Red
Title: AR Destine/Decorative
Copy: Source Sans Pro/ San Seriff
New and Improved Shark Attack Infographic and process:
Step 1:
I used my old infographic as reference. I pulled images from the internet to make my visuals more realistic in shape, and color. I started out with the graphics and charts then worked my way through the rest of it.
Step 2:
New fonts: DIN Condensed Bold (Title), Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold (Copy)
New color scheme: Monochromatic Teal
Step 3:
Adding more visual interest on little details such as the wave at the top and moving small things around.
Overall I like this info graphic a lot better, my graphics have definitely improved. There’s still more work that can be done and in the future I may continue to improve it more!
The graphics are my own.
Information from:
National Geographic, Florida Muesuem of Natural History, and Ipsos Research