Ever seen an ordinary spot and thought to get an extraordinary shot?

Today I searched in and out of my apartment for something that was sticking out among everything and I was finding nothing. Then I started looking at textures, and the little things and found, though things were pretty ordinary, I could turn somethings into extraordinary with the right shot and spot. I implemented a little bit of the technique I learned a couple weeks ago about making a studio black background by using a flash and the right settings. So for one of my photos this was implemented while for the others with the flowers I didn’t want as much of black background because I liked the texture of the asphalt, so I slowed down my shutter more. It’s amazing what you can find in and out of your own home to get some great photos.

Douglas Phan an awesome photographer attending my school did something just like this, where he took out a spoon and put a cool colorful background and it reflected it making for an awesome photo. It was such an ordinary spot, and he came out with a seriously extraordinary shot.

Ordinary Spot #1:


Extraordinary Shots:



Ordinary Spot #2:


Extraordinary Shot:


