To get beautiful outdoor photography, plan ahead!
One might think that you must just happen upon the landscape to get a beautiful photograph. I disagree. To get beautiful outdoor photography, you must plan ahead of time. Sure you won’t be able to plan all the details but you should plan your lighting, part of your location, and how much gear you will need. Checking times of sunrise and sunset will help with the perfect lighting, you’ll want to be on location with a great amount of time before these happen. Check to see how popular your location is, there’s nothing worse than getting where you want to be and find that there’s no room because someone is always in your shot. Check weather conditions so that you’ll know if it’s going to cloudy, sunny, and you’ll know what to bring for yourself.
As learned from Caryn Esplin my professor, always try to get something in the foreground because it’ll make your background that much better for beautiful outdoor photography. She showed me that when possible even try to have something in the foreground, middle ground, and background. You’d be surprised at how much this helps each photo. Take a look at these and how my images would have changed if I had removed some of these elements.
Here’s where you can see Caryn’s work